When? 27th September, 16.30 – 18.30
Where? SparkUp, Tykistökatu 4
Led by Cristina Stancu
Canva is the `”To go tool`” for creating social media content and more.
In this workshop you will get familiar with Canva and the options that this online design tool has to offer. Learn how to use it in creating your everyday social media posts, edit videos for Tik-Tok and Reels, easily resize your media and create different templates. But Canva is not just a social media tool. You can build presentations, invitations, business cards etc.
Join us in this workshop and enrich your skills with one of the graphic designers favorite tools!
After the workshop it is time for networking. To kick-off the Career Talks series, Ronnie’s Gourmet will bring fingerfood to sample.
About Cristina

I am Cristina Stancu, multidisciplinary designer, with a Master`s degree in Product and Industrial design, that moved from Romania to Finland almost 3 years ago. I have worked many years for big brands like Mondelez, Coca-Cola, Beiersdorf and Nestle, in projects ranging from graphic design, branding, packaging design, to promotional items and POSM displays. I am currently working full time as a graphic designer in LM Someco, and besides this, part-time entrepreneur for my own company Print N Stuff, where I draw, customize, print and sell online different types of products.