When: Thursday 30 Jan at 2-5pm
Where: Turku University of Applied Sciences, Globe, address: Joukahaisenkatu 3-5A (ICT House)
Get togethers in Turku are targeted to international residents in Turku!
The theme of the get togethers varies and can be a workshop, a guided tour of the city or a cultural/sport event. The most important is to create new networks and provide help in practical issues.
This time the theme of the get together is Writing good blog articles -workshop.
You may be contributing to university or company Internet pages or social media channels. You may be building your professional presence online. Either way, come and learn how to clean up your writing style and share some topics that you are passionate about.
We offer some refreshment after the workshop.
Welcome to join us! But be quick, we have a limited amount of places!