Business accelerators
Business accelerators provide new, growth-seeking companies with support in R&D activities, business development, initial marketing, strengthening of personnel resources, and preparing the financing. The accelerator offers a wide range of services to meet your company’s needs.
Now in operation are Life Science and Maritime accelerators. Our goal is to set up later more accelerators to support the technology of other spearhead fields.
Life Science Accelerator
Life Science Accelerator speeds up the commercialisation of university-based research projects in the health and well-being sector, and the growth and internationalisation of early-stage companies. The target group is particularly drug development and diagnostics as well as the lines of business and solutions linked thereto.
Added value for the accelerator is provided by the Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship (NOME) which is co-ordinated in Finland by Turku Science Park Ltd, partnering with Vertical. NOME also offers leading edge mentoring services for Finnish life science companies. In addition to know-how capital, the services include Werstas Labs, laboratory and office space at the heart of the campus and science park in the PharmaCity building.
Maritime Accelerator
Maritime Accelerator is an innovation platform bringing together maritime corporations with great impact and fast moving startups with momentum. Our goal is to create an innovation ecosystem that generates new business, speeds up heavy industry development and strengthen Finland becoming the leading European maritime hub.
How to get started and who to contact? << Business Accelerators